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What You Need to Know About Industrial-Organizational Psychology Master’s Programs

In the past few years, global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and social trends such as the Great Resignation and quiet quitting have highlighted the importance of employee satisfaction and engagement.

As more organizations recognize that they must prioritize individual and team performance to drive growth in a volatile economy, demand for professionals with the skills to improve organizational relations and functioning is rising. 根据劳动力市场研究公司Lightcast Analytics的数据, demand for industrial-organizational psychologists in the United States will increase by 9.1% by 2032.

One way to join this rewarding profession is to earn an industrial-organizational psychology master’s degree or a master’s in a related field. 但在你开始攻读学位之前, 了解你能期望的结果和职业选择是很重要的. 


A master’s degree in industrial-organizational psychology (often called I/O psychology)  is a graduate program that focuses on optimizing workplaces using psychology principles and research. These programs, 哪些因素使学生能够在各种类型和规模的组织中工作, apply the field’s knowledge of human behavior to areas including performance management, motivating and engaging employees, 培训和发展与工作场所文化. 


A master’s in I/O is well suited for individuals who wish to positively impact individual and organizational productivity and outcomes. Professionals who choose this field are deeply interested in human behavior and what drives decision-making. 

This degree may be a good fit if you want to work in fields like organizational development, consulting, human resources, or training and development. It is not a clinical degree and does not involve diagnosing or treating individuals. 

选择硕士项目最重要的是什么? 比较特点、好处和成本,找到适合你的学校.



具体的项目课程因项目而异. However, most I/O master’s degree programs include coursework in the following areas. 

  • 与个体动机相关的核心心理学理论与研究, group behavior, 人际关系等等. 
  • 与工作场所的多样性和包容性相关的心理学原理. 
  • 有效领导的原则,以及如何指导和发展领导者.


  • 如何进行和理解定量和定性研究. 
  • 如何设计和实施员工培训和发展计划.
  • 如何激励和吸引员工,建立积极的职场文化.

What’s the Difference Between an I/O Master’s and a Business Psychology Master’s?

Industrial-organizational psychology and business psychology are closely related, and both build on core psychological knowledge to explore human behavior in an organizational setting. 然而,这两种方法之间有一些关键的区别. 

“I/O心理学采用自上而下的方法,从组织开始, while business psychology uses a bottom-up approach that starts with the individual,” explains Dr. Jeffrey Ferezan是mg不朽情缘游戏网址M.S. in Business Psychology program. “Business psychology teaches us to suspend judgment and to understand another person’s worldview, 这能让mg不朽情缘游戏网址更有效地与他们沟通和合作. This knowledge can also help us understand team functioning and adjust team structures to improve outcomes.” 


You'll need a bachelor's degree to enroll in an industrial-organizational psychology graduate program. For many I/O programs, 学士学位的学科领域并不重要, 而有些则要求心理学或相关领域的本科学习. Many schools require a minimum undergraduate GPA as well as graduate entry examinations such as the GRE. You may also need to submit additional materials, such as letters of recommendation. 

Franklin’s M.S. in Business Psychology is open to graduates of any accredited bachelor’s degree program, regardless of major, and does not require test scores. 

I/O Master的费用是多少?

研究生学位可能很贵——但如果你很精明的话, it’s possible to find programs that deliver excellent quality for a better value. The cost of a master’s varies significantly by institution and delivery method. Online industrial-organizational psychology degrees are often more cost-effective than in-person options and come with the added benefit of cutting transportation expenses. 

According to US News and World Report在美国,I/O心理学在线硕士课程的费用可能高达4.8万美元. 用更少的钱获得学位也是可能的. mg不朽情缘试玩的商业心理学硕士学位学费不到3万美元. 

I/O Master需要多长时间?

The time it takes to complete an I/O master’s degree can also vary depending on the school’s requirements and an individual student’s other obligations and priorities. 大多数学位课程需要大约两年的全日制学习才能完成. Some schools, like Franklin, offer accelerated options that allow students to complete their degrees in as few as 14 months.


选择合适的课程是一个高度个人化的决定. 如果你在几所学校之间做选择, reach out to faculty, admissions staff or students to get a better sense of what sets the program apart. Factors to consider include:

  • Cost
  • Time to completion
  • Flexibility (online vs. 面谈、日程安排方面的考虑)
  • Entry requirements
  • Specific curricular focus areas
  • 教师是否是该领域的实践者
  • 你能从大学得到什么样的职业支持

同样重要的是要考虑是否有一个相关的程序, such as business psychology, might be a better fit. 

Advance Your Career at Franklin

今天的企业面临着巨大的逆风, 从地缘政治的不确定性到迅速上升的通货膨胀. Professionals who offer theoretical psychology knowledge and practical business acumen will thrive in this context. 

If you’re seeking a degree that will help you develop both of those skill sets, consider Franklin’s M.S. in Business Psychology. You’ll explore the latest in neuroscience and psychology research and learn how those concepts apply to everything from marketing to performance appraisal processes. 

Franklin’s supportive faculty and flexible online program allow you to build new competencies without missing a beat in your personal and professional lives. 你可以在短短14个月内获得这个具有变革意义的学位. 

找出更多关于mg不朽情缘试玩的无与伦比的 Master’s in Business Psychology program.

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